Products » Literature
Anglo-Jewish Poetry from Isaac Rosenberg to Elaine Feinestein
from £19.50
Lawson, Peter
This is the first book-length study to survey the phenomenon of twentieth-century Anglo-Jewish poetry. It proceeds by reading established Anglo-Jewish poets against the grain of conventional thinking about English verse. For example, rather than understanding Isaac Rosenberg and Siegfried Sassoon as simply First World War poets, it approaches them...
Antisemitism in the Arab-Israeli Conflict
from £16.95
Time to Confront the Elephant in the Room
Stone, David H.
Foreword by Colonel Richard KempDavid Stone’s masterful account exposes how the root cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict lies in a continuing and virulent antisemitism cloaked in anti-Zionism. A depressing but essential message that deserves to be widely read, especially...
Art Drama Architecture Music
from £19.95
An Anthology of Miron Grindea's ADAM Editorials, Volume I
Edited by: Lasserson, Rachel
ADAM International Review was the longest-running literary periodical in Europe. It first appeared in Britain during the Second World War and continued to challenge and entertain its readers until 1985, when the death of its only editor, Miron Grindea,...
Art Drama Architecture Music
from £19.95
An Anthology of Miron Grindea's ADAM Editorials, Volume II
Edited by: Lasserson, Rachel
ADAM International Review was the longest-running literary periodical in Europe. It first appeared in Britain during the Second World War and continued to challenge and entertain its readers until 1985, when the death of its only editor, Miron Grindea,...
Becoming Kathrine Talbot
A Jewish Refugee and the Novelist She Invented
Ribbat, ChristophChristoph Ribbat’s remarkable book is a creative biography and literary retrieval of Kathrine Talbot, née Ilse Gross ... It will make everyone who reads it reconsider what they believe they know about the lives of refugees, and rush to...
Chapters of Accidents
A Writer’s Memoir
Baron, Alexander
Colin Holmes and Nick Baron (Eds)Alexander Baron ... was the greatest British novelist of [World War II] and among the finest, most underrated, of the postwar period.
John Williams, The Guardian
‘We have... -
Close Encounters with Twenty Israeli Writers
from £17.95
Negev, Eilat
This collection of biographies is the first of its kind, as Israeli literature is almost devoid of author biographies. They are arranged chronologically and cover a hundred years of Israeli literature; the change of style and subject matter hints at the demographical and historical transformations that have occurred during...
Commentary Magazine 1945-1959
from £19.95
'A Journal of Significant Thought and Opinion'
Abrams, Nathan
Launched in 1945, Commentary magazine became one of America's most celebrated periodicals. Under the editorship of Elliot E. Cohen, it developed into the premier postwar journal of Jewish affairs attracting a readership far wider than its Jewish community origin. This book is the...
Contemporary Israeli Women's Writing
from £19.50
Domb, Risa
During the nineteenth and early twentieth century, women could not participate in the development of modern Hebrew literature. As pointed out in 1996's New Women's Writing from Israel, to which this is a successor volume, they could give vent to their poetic talents either in Yiddish, their spoken language,...
Echoes of a Lost Voice
from £20.00
Encounters with Primo Levi
Calcagno, Giorgio; Poli, Gabriella
Edited by: Angier, Carole
New in paperback April 2020
Primo Levi - chemist, Italian, Jew, survivor of Auschwitz - was one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century. His masterpiece, If This Is a Man, is still one of...