Jewish History

  • War or Revolution

    War or Revolution

    from £14.95

    Russian Jews and Conscription in Britain, 1917

    Shukman, Harold

    When Britain was compelled to introduce conscription in 1916, the question arose of what to do with its 'friendly aliens'-its 30,000 Russian-Jewish refugees of military age. The Tsar didn't want them back to serve in his army, and they had no desire to...

  • We Will Remember Them

    We Will Remember Them


    A Record of the Jews Who Died in the Armed Forces of the Crown from 1939 (Second Edition, Greatly Expanded and Revised)

    Edited by: Morris, Henry; Sugarman, Martin

    This highly illustrated second edition, first published in 1989, contains a comprehensive and indispensable history of the Jewish contribution to the British Armed Forces...

  • Winds Over Jerusalem

    Winds Over Jerusalem


    The Story of Rae Landy, Pioneer Nurse of Hadassah

    Perkul, Debbi

    Winds Over Jerusalem provides a rare, eyewitness account of Jerusalem 1913-15, a critical period in history, through the lens of two American Jewish women. It adds insight and understanding to the complex relationship that still exists between American Jews, Israel and...

  • Working for the War Effort

    Working for the War Effort


    German-Speaking Refugees in British Propaganda during the Second World War 
    Brinson, Charmian and Dove, Richard

    This book explores a facet of British propaganda during the Second World War that has previously hardly been addressed or considered: the apparent anomaly that much of Britain’s wartime propaganda was prepared and delivered...

  • Zev’s Children

    Zev’s Children


    An International Jewish Family

    Collins, Kenneth 

    This is the history of one family but it is also, in microcosm, the story of the Jewish people over the past two centuries. Kenneth Collins, the premier chronicler of Scottish Jewry ... encounters Communists and Zionists,...