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Creating a Storm
Jewish Women in the World of Arts and Culture
Seddon, Isabelle
Foreword by Dame Maureen LipmanIt is to Isabelle Seddon’s great credit that she marks the contributions of the early pioneers, as well as those who have done sterling work in more recent years.
Rabbi Dame Julia NeubergerHere...
ORT, the Second World War and the Rehabilitation of Holocaust Survivors
Kavanaugh, Sarah
For millions of people across Europe, 1945 brought an end to six years of war but not an end to their struggle to survive. For no-one was this more true than the thousands of Jewish refugees who had miraculously evaded...
The Czech Refugee Trust Fund in Britain 1938–1975
Lifeline to Freedom
Brinson, Charmian and Buresova, Jana BarboraThis book documents the vital role of the British-based Czech Refugee Trust Fund (CRTF) and its predecessor, the British Committee for Refugees from Czechoslovakia (BCRC). It provides much needed insight into the now almost forgotten political debates, controversies, and difficulties that impacted...